The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit From It
by Amy Cortese
Praise for Locavesting
“An inspiring look at what local businesses can achieve.”
—Joseph E. Stiglitz, Professor of Economics, Columbia University and 2001 Nobel Laureate
“Investing locally makes sense as long as you do it with your eyes wide open. And this book is a realistic, up-to-the-minute exploration of the field. After all, it was the local community that invested in Ben & Jerry’s–and it worked out pretty well for them.”
—Ben Cohen, cofounder of Ben & Jerry’s
About the Book
In the wake of the financial crisis, investors are faced with a stark choice: entrust their hard-earned dollars to the Wall Street casino, or settle for anemic interest rates on savings, bonds, and CDs. Meanwhile, small businesses are being starved for the credit and capital they need to grow. There’s got to be a better way. In Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit from It, Amy Cortese takes us inside the local investing movement, where solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing problems are taking shape. The idea is that, by investing in local businesses, rather than faceless conglomerates, investors can earn profits while building healthy, self-reliant communities. With confidence in Wall Street and the government badly shaken, Americans are looking for alternatives. Local investing offers a way to rebuild our nest eggs, communities, and, just perhaps, our country.
About the Author
Amy Cortese is a journalist who has spent her career writing about business, finance, environmental issues and food, giving her a unique perspective on how these different realms are intricately linked. A former editor at BusinessWeek, her work has also appeared in the New York Times, the New York Times Magazine, the American, Mother Jones, Portfolio, Afar, TheDailyBeast.com, and many other publications. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
John Wiley & Sons